Home-made pizza - baking workshops

Date: 24.03.2025 godz. 17:00

Duration: 4 h

Free space: 3

Price: 260 zł    cena zawiera →


- Roman-style pizza

- Neapolitan style pizza

- American-style pizza

Registration: kontakt@przystanek11.pl
After sending the application to the above e-mail address, there will be an e-mail confirmation of participation, in which information about the necessary payment for participation will be sent.

If you want to learn how to bake pizza at home, what is the impact of temperature and baking time, what flour to use, and anyway: sourdough or yeast - join us for a meeting with Łukasz.

During the workshop we will reveal to you the secrets of perfect dough in several versions - more and less traditional. We’ll learn how to bake the best pizza at home using simple methods, we’ll talk about good quality ingredients and create several surprising flavor compositions.

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Łukasz Lenard

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