Easter treats - family workshop for children with a guide

Date: 05.04.2025 godz. 9:00

Duration: 3 h

Free space: 0

Price: 180 zł/ osoba zł    cena zawiera →


Easter bread, a special one! 
Christmas salad with egg, roast beetroot and feta 
Spring fritatta with asparagus 
Lavender biscuits with vanilla, pistachios and white chocolate 

Registration: kontakt@przystanek11.pl
After sending the application to the above e-mail address, there will be an e-mail confirmation of participation, in which information about the necessary payment for participation will be sent.

As every year, we invite you to a family Easter workshop where we will undertake the preparation of many festive treats. We'll braid the best challah, bake unique cakes with lavender and, of course, we won't forget the eggs - spring fritatta and salad will also make an appearance on our table.

See you there! 

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Justyna Dragan

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